Australia’s refugees now allowed to apply for Permanent Visas
The Albanese Government on the night of 12th Feb 2023 announced that thousands of refugees on temporary visas will now be allowed to apply for permanent visas from 13th Feb. This change applies to around 19,000 people who after being on temporary protection visas (TPVs) or safe haven enterprise visas (SHEVs) can now apply to stay permanently in the country.

The Labour Government made this long-awaited announcement after making a key promise in their election campaign of bringing thousands of refugees out of the limbo.
Only refugees who entered Australia before Operation Sovereign Borders began its border protection operation in late 2013 or who now possess or have applied for a TPV or SHEV before 14 February 2023 are affected by the change.
People who have been granted a permanent visa can now apply for social security benefits, use the NDIS, and get financial aid for higher education. Additionally, they will be permitted to apply for citizenship in Australia and sponsor their relatives’ immigration.
The government stated that approximately 2,500 persons whose temporary visas have been revoked or denied will not be permitted to apply and will instead be urged to “depart Australia voluntarily.”
The Immigration Minister, Andrew Giles said in a statement, “TPV and SHEV holders work, pay taxes, start businesses, employ Australians and build lives in our communities — often in rural and regional areas”.
“Without permanent visas however, they’ve been unable to get a loan to buy a house, build their businesses or pursue further education. It makes no sense — economically or socially — to keep them in limbo.”