This is a 4-year provisional visa that is available to overseas business owners and investors. There are five different streams within this category:
188 A. Business Innovation: For business owners seeking to establish business operations in Australia
188 B. Investor: For investors who are willing to invest $1.5 million in an Australian State or Territory bonds
188 C. Significant Investor: For investors willing to invest $5 million into complying investments in Australia
188 D. Premium Investor: For investors with significant funds who are willing to invest at least $15 million into complying premium investments in Australia
188 E. Entrepreneur: For entrepreneurs who have a funding agreement from a third party for at least AUD200,000 to undertake a complying entrepreneur activity in Australia
- Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via SkillSelect
- Only if the requirements for that subclass are met will you have the chance to be invited to apply for your visa
- This visa subclass progresses in two stages, with the second permanent stage happening after the conditions of the first provisional visa have been met
- The application for this visa can be made onshore or offshore and there are no conditions on your location at the time the visa is granted
Note: Business and investor migration pathways in Australia can be extremely complex. Initial Assessment whether you are eligible or not is a comprehensive assessment and we would require detailed information before we are able to advice you on your prospects.
Hence, we strongly recommend that you organise an Initial Consultation (Business & Investor Visas) with us to explore this pathway further.