Business & Investor Visas

Whether you are a seasoned business expert looking at migrating as an investor to Australia or a growing entrepreneur looking at establishing an office or purchase a business in Australia, it is critical to get accurate immigration advice from the start. There are a few business and investor visa options that that business people can obtain for themselves or their employees, including:

Visitor Visa (Business visitor stream)

If you want to visit Australia for up to 3 months to attend business meetings or to explore business opportunities, you may be keen to apply for a visitor visa – business stream. Please note that this visa stream has only limited work rights which means, you can only perform certain specific types of “business visitor activities” whilst in Australia:

  • making general business or employment enquiries
  • investigating, negotiating, or signing business contracts
  • activities carried out as part of an official government-to-government visit
  • participating in conferences, trade fairs or seminars (and you are not being “paid” by the conference organisers for your participation)

For the visitor visa – business stream, the applicant needs to have access to sufficient funds to support themselves in Australia and have personal attributes consistent with the proposed activity. They must genuinely intend to stay temporarily for the purpose in Australia and have close ties in your home country ensuring you will return after your travel to Australia.

Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (188) Visa

This is a 4-year provisional visa that is available to overseas business owners and investors. There are five different streams within this category:

188 A. Business Innovation: For business owners seeking to establish business operations in Australia
188 B. Investor:
For investors who are willing to invest $1.5 million in an Australian State or Territory bonds
188 C. Significant Investor:
For investors willing to invest $5 million into complying investments in Australia
188 D. Premium Investor:
For investors with significant funds who are willing to invest at least $15 million into complying premium investments in Australia
188 E. Entrepreneur:
For entrepreneurs who have a funding agreement from a third party for at least AUD200,000 to undertake a complying entrepreneur activity in Australia


  • Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via SkillSelect
  • Only if the requirements for that subclass are met will you have the chance to be invited to apply for your visa
  • This visa subclass progresses in two stages, with the second permanent stage happening after the conditions of the first provisional visa have been met
  • The application for this visa can be made onshore or offshore and there are no conditions on your location at the time the visa is granted

Note: Business and investor migration pathways in Australia can be extremely complex. Initial Assessment whether you are eligible or not is a comprehensive assessment and we would require detailed information before we are able to advice you on your prospects.

Hence, we strongly recommend that you organise an Initial Consultation (Business & Investor Visas) with us to explore this pathway further.

Business Talent (Migrant) Visa

Business Talent (Migrant) visas are granted to people with an overall successful business career as the owner of a business or people with Venture Capital funding in Australia. There is no need to apply for a provisional visa before applying for this permanent visa.

Business Innovation and Investment (Residence) Subclass 888 Visa

This is the permanent stage of the Subclass 188 Provisional Business Innovation and Investment. It requires applicants to have established business operations in Australia or to have maintained an investment in bonds.

Business Talent Visa (Subclass 132)

This permanent visa, known as the Business Talent Visa, is designed for high calibre business people who are owners or part owners of an overseas company and have a genuine and realistic commitment to participate in the management of a new or existing business in Australia.

Permanent Business Visa (Subclass 888)

You can apply for permanent migration with this visa if you are a holder of the provision Business and Innovation (188) Visa in Australia and have met the immigration requirements prescribed.

New Zealand Investor Category Residence Visas

Investor Category 1

Investor Category 2

Interested In Business Visa?

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    Immigration Hotspot is a leading Australian full-service migration and recruitment firm. Having assisted applicants from over 22 countries with their migration to Australia, we are ideally placed to assist you.


    Suite 4, Level 1/2 Cramer St, Preston VIC 3072, Australia


    +61 3 9402 0654