SkillSelect Invitation rounds to happen only “once a month” effective 11 Aug 2018
Department of Home Affairs have communicated that: “SkillSelect invitation rounds for Skilled – Independent (subclass 189) and Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass 489) will occur once each month, on the 11th day of each month, effective 11 August 2018.”
Number of invitations sent per round to remain similar, however the SkillSelect reports will provide clear picture soon. Occupational ceilings and occupation lists have also not been updated for the coming year as of today.
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Hi Naveen,
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Hi Ashwin
I submitted EOI June 2018 with 60 points 489 state sponsor south Australia.
January 2019 will make me 1 year working as an enrolled nurse in South Australia. Can i count 5 points with the 1-year experience to make it 65 points.
Please, any chance of getting invited with this calculation.
65 points is the minimum score required.
Your current EOI is invalid.
Please organise an Initial Consultation for advice relating to your case.
What is the difference between ineligible and invalid state nomination?
Invalid is when an applicant makes an invalid application for nomination, i.e. which does not meet the eligibility criteria for nomination to the State or Territory.
Ineligible is when an applicant is ineligible for State or Territory nomination
if any state says, invalid application, how long does it take to reapply.
Hi Neetu
You should be able to reapply for state nomination straight after.
I am a mechanical engineer with 65 Points and EOI submitted in july 2017. Also i will become 40 yrs old by april 2019. What are the chances of a invite prior to that.
Thanks and regards,
65 points for this occupation is a low score however you saving grace is that there is only about two months of backlog left to be invited that is May & June 2017 so there may be prospects that you might be invited.
However, it would really depend on how many 75 and 70 pointers continue to lodge EOI’s and whether the number of invitations remain more than 2500 each month or not this year.
Have you considered other strategies t o increase your score?
Hi sir I lodged my EOI with 70 points software programmer on 18 September 2018 when can I expect my invitation to come thnx
You should have been invited on 11 Oct 2018 invitation round.
If not then most certainly on 11 Nov 2018 round.
Hi Sir, I have filed for revised EOI after increasing my points from 65 to 70. I have applied as software engineer and updated on June 1, 2018. Any chance I should receive it in November ?
Hi Vidyut
At 70 points you may still have to wait a few more months depending on the backlog from before.
Hi Ashwin,
I filed EoI as Finance Manager for NT for Visa Subclass 190 on 25th Oct 2018 with overall score of 70. This includes 5 points of atate sponsorship. When can I expect to get invitation to apply?
Thanks in advance
Hi Ravi
NT is rather strict if people are “overseas” and prefers to nominate only for SC489 – Skilled Provisional Visas initially.
There processing times also can vary depending on time of year, however, 8-12 weeks would be normal.
Let us how you go with the application, so others can also benefit from the information.
Hell sir,
I have lodged my EIO for 190 state sponsorship in NSW as a chef with 65 points. Is there a possibility to get invitation with this points and how long generally it take? Could plz reply me on this one?
Thank you
Hi Jeevan
We have replied to your enquiry separately already thanks.
HI Ashwin
We have a point of 75 for 189 submitted EOI on 1st oct 2018 for Software. analyst Programmer Can you advise me when we will be receive the Invitation approximately
You should have been invited on 11 Oct 2018 round.
Hi, our EOI was lodged on 15th Oct 2018 with a score of 75 for Management Consultant? Any idea when should we hear back?
You could be invited on 11 Nov or 11 Dec 2018 rounds.
HI Ashwin
Got Invited on 11 oct 2018 As you told we have lodged visa on 20th oct 2018 with all documents except Medicals when can we expect our visa grant for 189 visa Analyst programmer
Congrats Mariya!
Processing times can vary. We recently had a SC189/SC190 grants in about 5 months from lodgement – both with over 8 years of employment claimed. With less employments, it could be sooner however, depends on many factors.
Christmas break will also delay things a bit further.
I wish you guys all the best!
If you have found the advice here helpful, then it would be great if could spare a minute to give us a recommendation on Google or Facebook.
Hi Sir, I submitted my husband’s EOI last Nov 13, 2018, Interior Designer (232511) with 70 points (QLD – Subclass 190). I only put his work experiences that are credited by Vetassess. I didn’t put those that are not credited.
Then my friend told me I should’ve put even those that are not credited. So I updated his EOI yesterday, 22 Nov 2017 (score is still 70 points, no change).
Will my submitted date change? If the state will have a cutoff date, which date they will consider? The 1st date submitted or the updated date?
Last question, I recognized just yesterday, that 2 of my husband’s work experience overlap for 4 days.
According to the Certificate of Employment given to him:
Employment 1: last day was Nov. 12, 2010
Employment 2: first day was Nov. 8, 2010 (it was stated on his contract that, “I have pleasure in offering you employment in effect Nov. 8, 2010). Maybe that’s the date the HR based his started date but he started later that Nov. 12, 2018.
My question now is, will there be an issue with his invitation? Should I contact QLD or DHA? or it’s not an issue because it’s only 4 days?
Or if invited, should I provide a letter of explanation? Or statutory declaration? Or letter from the Company that there’s a mistake with the date? His Certificate of Emplyment were already submitted to Vetassess and Vetassess didn’t say anything. 9 years of his work expertiences were credited.
Please advise. Thank you in advance.
Your EOI “Date of Effect” will remain at 13 Nov 2018 as the “points” remain 70 even after the update you have done.
So dont worry as long as all the entries in the EOI are accurate – as DHA will seek documentary evidence for each of the point claims you have made in the EOI.
Employment claims can be challenging especially with experienced professionals as there are a lot of documents for each position.
In general, you should state the date he “actually started” on, as employment overlaps can be concerning.
However, I would need to assess the documents carefully to be able to advice you accurately.
Please organise a One-on-One Consultation should you need our assistance with the next steps in your application.
Rajendra Singh
I submitted EOI 65 points April 24
Subclass 189
Till now nothing
I edited EOI
and resubmitted 3 times changing contact information
Would that change the queue order?
or affect ? the invitation
Hi Rajendra
At 65 points which would be 75 post 16.11.2019 if you are Single, you may not receive an invitation in general.
What is the occupation?
Date of Effect remains to be when your original EOI was lodged or when the points changed after.
All other changes make no difference.
If you are still waiting like thousands of applicants, then you should seriously consider applying for the Subclass 491.
Hi sir I have lodged EOI NSW190 on 18/11 on 75 points as restaurant manager working Full time in Sydney as same job role from 1.5 years any chances of invitation.thanks
Hi Vish
NSW have a two-stage Nomination process for SC190, firstly they will “select the EOI and send a formal invite to submit the nomination application within 14 days.
Then once the application is submitted they will assess the overall application and provide a decision on the application.
They do not provide any processing timeline or criteria for the SC190 and it can vary depending on many factors i.e. occupation, points etc.
For SC491 NSW Nomination, NSW announced a new nomination application procedure in Dec 2019, however that has not started as of yet.
However, since you have been working in Sydney, there may be good prospects for you to be invited.
I’m waiting on 65 points 189 and 70 SS since October.
What could be the ETA for me to anticipate an ITA ? Thanks
Hi Mujtaba,
Thank you for your enquiry. I require additional information to be able to assist you.
Can you please advise:
1. The occupation in question?
2. Which State the application for SC 190 has been submitted to?
Waiting for Invitation, can you guide me
Subclass 189 – 65 Points – 30 May 2018
Subclass 190 NSW – 30 May 2018 (70 incl SS) – 65+5
261313 – Software Engineer
Can you please provide your insights, what can I expect
Hi Raghav,
Subclass 189 EOI – 65 points is now the minimum required score for eligibility.
Although DHA did increase the number of invitations in July 2018 to 1000 SC189 Invitations, however, there is no confirmation whether this trend in increase in Invitation numbers will continue or not. So, a 65 score for a pro-rata occupation does not have very good prospects. Even in the last financial year Jul 2017-Jun 2018, there were only a very small number of invitations to pro-rata occupations that happened to 65 pointers overall.
Subclass 190 NSW (SN) – New South Wales have listed Software Engineer – 261313 occupation on their 20 Jul 2018 update to support for SC190 nomination. However, unlike other states (and the exception of Vicoria) they do not provide any specific selection criteria to applicants and there is no indicated processing time frame either. So you will have to continue to wait until you receive an email from NSW inviting to lodge the formal state nomination application (and giving you 14 days notice).
Alternatively, there are multiple strategies which can be considered to maximise your prospects of receiving an Invitation sooner than later. If you are interested to explore this further, you will need to organise an Initial Consultation:
I wish you all the best.
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Hello sir,
I have 75 points under 189 subclass and 80 under 190 subclass.
I’m Software Engineer. Kindly advise when I can expect my invitation.
My EOI is created on 24/01/2018 and updated on 06/06/2018
Hi Sathiesh,
At 75 points for SC189 Software Engineer occupation, you should be ok however the wait time would depend on how many invitations DHA give out each month from Aug 2018 onwards.
Will need to wait and review the results that are published over the next two rounds to understand the pattern.
For your SC190 it depends which state it has been submitted to.
Hi Sir,
I submitted an EOI for 189 on 7 May 2018
Profession: Civil Engineer
What would be the chance for me receiving an invitation this year? If there is one, how soon would you that be?
Thank you in advance
Hi Ali
What is the points test score of your SC189 Civil Engineer EOI?
The points test score would need to be 70 points or above for you to receive an Invitation sooner rather than later.
You will need to wait and review the results that are published over the next two rounds to understand the pattern & number of invitations and quotas DHA is following.
75 points for 189, EOI Date 2nd July’18 & 80 points for Victoria EOI Date 4th Aug’18. Job Code 261111, could you please advise estimated date for both.
Hi Gaurav
At 75 points for SC189 for ICT Business Analyst occupation, you are at a good score, however the occupation is over crowded still and with 80 pointers invited in 11 Jul 2018 round, with Date of Effect (date of EOI lodgement) 5/07/2018 6:10 PM, there would be a decent backlog of 75 pointers still to be invited.
If you can improve your score further, then it would ensure that you receive an Invitation sooner.
You will also need to wait and review the Skill Select results that are published over the next two rounds to understand the pattern.
For your VIC, SC190 EOI, it is a two-stage process and there is no timeframe given as to when Victoria may invite you to lodge the formal application.
80 points here is a decent score though however, there could be many more at this points test score.
I wish you all the best.
To discus the above further or if you need assistance in maximising your points test score, please organise a Skilled Migration Initial Consultation via our website:
I have applied for 489 visa state sponsored on 5th July 18 for south australia. Occupation is Marketing specialist and i have 85 points. Please advise when can i expect to get my invitation ?
Hi Sid
South Australia’s processing times have Skilled provisional nomination subclass 489/190
– applications submitted prior to 1 July 2018 have a current average processing time of 9 – 10 weeks and after 1 Jul 2018 have a processing time of 15 – 20 weeks from date of lodgement.
Are you in Australia or an overseas applicant as there are specific criteria applicable to specific people.
Also, this occupation is “not available for high points nomination from 6 Jul 18”.
All the best,
Hi Sir,
I have 75 points waiting for 189 visa for South Australia. SkillSet 262111.
By when should I expect an invitation. I have filed the EOI in March.
Hi Ijaz
SC189 is Skilled Independent visa application and cannot have any state supporting.
If you meant SC489 – Skilled Regional, then you must have lodged your State Nom application on 5 Jul 2018 (the day SA opened their nominations).
If you did, then you may be lucky to be considered for SA nomination.
South Australia’s processing times have Skilled provisional nomination subclass 489/190
– applications submitted prior to 1 July 2018 have a current average processing time of 9 – 10 weeks and after 1 Jul 2018 have a processing time of 15 – 20 weeks from date of lodgement.
Are you in Australia or an overseas applicant as there are specific criteria applicable to specific people.
Also, this occupation is “not available for high points nomination from 6 Jul 18” onwards.
If you are not eligible under SC489 with South Australia, please get in touch with us to assess your case as to how you can maximise your points test score to maximise your prospects of receiving an Invitation.
All the best,
I have 65 points, Mechanical Engineer EOI lodged 5th May 2018. Since DHA increased 60% invitations to pro-rata, could you please let me know the anticipated invitation time?
Hi Niaz
65 points is the minimum points-test requirement now since 1 Jul 2018 onwards as per DHA announcement.
At 65 points for SC189 for Mechanical Engineer EOI lodged 5th May 2018, you are at the base score for a pro-rata occupation, and there would be a backlog of 65 pointers and higher scorers still to be invited.
Although the collective quota for Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* is 2178 for financial year 1 Jul 2018- 30 Jun 19, it is not very clear at this stage as to the number of total invitations that are going to be for this occupation set and then how many of those mechanical engineers to be invited in each round. You will also need to wait and review the Skill Select results that are published over the next two rounds to understand the pattern.
I would highly recommend also considering State Nomination to maximise your prospects for an invitation and considering strategies to improve your points test score.
If you can improve your score further, then it would ensure that you receive an Invitation sooner.
I wish you all the best.
To discus the above further or if you need assistance in maximising your points test score, please organise a Skilled Migration Initial Consultation via our website:
Hi there. Should there be separate EOI’s if I had wanted to lodge for a 189 and a 489? I’m like Gaurav:
75 points for 189, EOI Date 1st January’18
80 points for 489, EOI Date 1st January’18.
Job Code 261111, could you please advise estimated date for both.
Hi Ken,
Thanks for your query earlier on Facebook as well.
That is correct, you will need to have two seperate EOIs’.
If you are at 75 points for SC189, EOI Date 1st January’18, then you will be at “85” points for SC489 EOI as Regional Nomination contributes further “10 points” to your overall score. Hence. 80 points for 489, EOI Date 1st January’18- is incorrect please double check.
Since yours is the same occupation as discussed below, I would suggest improving your score further if possible, and considering State Nomination options.
Please also remember to be fair on other EOI applicants, that should you get invited eventually, that you go back and withdraw the other EOI(s) (if any others are lodged) as they may be blocking someone else’s invitation/opportunity.
I wish you all the best.
I updated my EOI to 70 points under Early Childhood Teacher on 27th July 2018 for 189 visa. Could you please tell me whether I will get invitation in next round September 11th? Thanks, Regards
Hi Sith,
Date of Effect (DOE) for your SC189 EOI will be 27 Jul 2018.
The occupation ceiling for your occupation is high 2639, however, how Department of Home Affairs have provided no clarification as to the allocation of invitations to Pro-rata and non pro-rata occupations.
The last non pro-rata 70 point EOI was invited on 18th April 2018 with a DOE of 7th December 2017.
The last 75 point EOI to get invited on 20th June 2018 was with DOE of 13th June 2018 – so there was one week backlog of 75 pointer EOIs (source: MIA Forum).
So there would still be a backlog of the past 6-7 months or so of 70 pointers and until the DHA provide further information on the number of actual invitations and date of effect etc, it is not possible to forecast.
Have you considered State Nomination request as an alternate?
As if occupation available/lodged/ and application approved, you can be invited within 2-3 months of request lodgement.
I wish you all the best.
Hi ,
I have submitted EOI with 65 points in the month of Nov 2017 for software engineer as my occupation.Now I updated EOI with 75 points this month.When Can I expect the invitation.?
Hi Kia,
You would have been invited on 11 Oct 2018 round else would be on 11 Nov 2018 round!
Hi Ashwin
I have 60 points and I am a Secondary Teacher, I have applied for 190 with NSW. Any idea how long do I have to wait. I am not sure if I will get a invitation. Please advice. Thanks
You are at the lowest score and NSW focus on higher point scorers so your prospects are not good.
I would recommend considering alternative strategies.
Please organise an Initial Consultation for advice relating to your case.
The information provided above is very useful.
I have a score of 70 for visa 190 and 65 for 189. Occupation code: 232111. EOI filed- July 2018. I am an overseas applicant.
Could you please advise if there is a possibility for getting a 189 invite. Also, would you recommend applying to any specific states?
Hi Isha,
Date of Effect for your SC189 EOi would be Jul 2018.
At 65 points the score is low to be able to receive an invitation.
There were only 15,600 SC189 invitations issued in 1 Jul 2017- 30 Jun 18, a major reduction from 54,000 (approx.) in 2016-17.
None (or very minimal) number of 60 and 65 pointers got invited last financial year.
However, this financial year, the DHA sent SC189 – 1,000 invitations as at 11 Jul 2018.
If the number of invitations increase per month, then the prospects of lower pointers being invited will be higher.
However, it is uncertain at this stage since we do not have the information.
Which state is your SC190 EOI for?
Certainly, State Nomination – SC190/SC489 is the way to go since last year majority of SC189 EOI’s did not get invited.
However, for a high quality, decision-ready State Nomination application, you must be able to “stand out” from thousands of other applicants to be selected.
The good thing is that if your nomination application is approved, you receive an Invitation to Apply.
I wish you all the best,
I have lodged my EOI on 17th August 2018 for 261313(Software Engineer). Below are my details:-
For Subclass 189-65 Points
Subclass 190-70 Points (Victoria)
Subclass 489 State Sponsor – 75 Points (Victoria)
Subclass 489 Family Sponsored – 75 Points (Vicotria)
I am more inclined in knowing about the 489 Family Sponsored Visa, Is there any chance of getting this visa at 75 Points for Victoria?
Hi Swaimann,
Your SC189 score @ 65 points is low for this pro-rata occupation.
Prospects of an invitation this financial year are low, however, will depend on how many number of invitations are sent out each month.
You will need to improve your score to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation.
For your VIC SC190 EOI, for all ICT occupations only, it is a two-stage process and there is no timeframe given as to when Victoria may invite you to lodge the formal application.
Your Subclass 489 State Nominated – you must have a job offer to be eligible to apply. Please double check.
Your Subclass 489 Family Sponsored EOI will be considered in the lowest priority as there is a high number of applicants who are eligible “independently” via their SC189 EOI.
Hence, it is unlikely that this EOI will be invited.
Reminder: Please ensure that if there are multiple EOI’s lodged by you, that all other EOI’s are “withdrawn” should you receive an invitation at some stage.
This would make the process fair for all applicants in the pool.
Thank you.
Hi Ashwin,
Thanks for the reply, do we need a job offer for visa 489- Family sponsored also?
Hi Swaimaan,
No you don’t.
Hi Ashwin,
For 489 state sponsorship, Should the job offer from the employer be in my field(261313- Software Engineer) or it can be in any field or it could be any job?
Hi Swaimann,
If you are keen to get further specific advice regarding your case, you will need to organise an Initial Consultation:
Dear Mr. Ashwin, i have filed EOI in Nov 2017 with my present score 65 for 189 and 70 for NSW SS and 75 for 489 for 233111 chemical engineer occupations, what are the probabilities to get invitation in either of this class?
Hi Amol,
Very minimal 60 and 65 pointers got invited last financial year 2017-18, due to reduction in number of invitations and also DHA changing allocations on an ongoing basis.
Hence, your SC189 has still not been invited.
NSW treats all EOI’s in two stages, only as and when they would “select” your EOI, is that they will invite you to stage 2, that is the formal State Nomination Application.
There is no timeframe provided for the stage 1 “selection” though, so it could take from one month to 18 months for instance, so the uncertainty is there.
So your SC190 would be as per the above.
Which region did you submit your SC489 to in NSW as the lists were updated as of 20 Jul 2018. Pls double check if you are still eligible.
I wish you all the best.
I have applied for 189 (with 65 points) for engineering technologist. At present am working in Melbourne, in an occupation closely related to engineering technologist. My company is willing to sponsor me however I need a minimum work experience of 2 years to go for 190 Victoria sponsorship. I am currently on visa 476 ,which will expire end of next month. Is there any way in which I can get another work visa to continue working here while I look to improve my score and also gain local experience which I can then use to claim even more points?
Hi Vaish,
Engineering Technologist occupation is highly crowded with a massive backlog at 65 points.
One of our clients kept waiting since Sep ’17 at 65 points, however received an Invitation within 2 months of improving score to 75 points in Apr 2018!
Besides, as at 2 Jul 2018, VIC requires applicants to have “Five years in civil or mechanical engineering” to be nominated for Engineering Technologist occupation.
Where did you get the minimum 2 years requirement from?
The other pathways could be considering a TSS, or ENS (D.E.), however there are minimum work experience requirements for both the options.
However, not knowing your specific situation, I am unable to advice on these here.
There could be multiple ways to maximise your points test score.
If you are keen to get specific advice regarding your case, I recommend you to organise an Initial Consultation:
All the best.
Dear Mr. Tyagi,
I filed the EOI as an offshore candidate for Job code – 225311 in July 2018. I have 80 points(including state) and applied for NSW under 190 category as no State was open. What would be my chances to get an invitation? How long should I be willing to wait? Also, any other state that you recommend? Please advice
Hi Nitin,
Your occupation of Public Relations Professional 225311 is listed on the Short-Term List.
Hence, your application must be nominated by a State or Union Territory in Australia.
To align and submit a decision-ready application to State Governments, needs careful planning.
If you are keen to get specific advice regarding your case, I recommend you to organise an Initial Consultation:
Thank you.
I’m awarded as Engineering technologist/sitting on 70 points
Lodge EOI April 2018
Is there any chance for any visa
I have no experience
My visa 485 is till April
Hi Adil,
Engineering technologist 75 pointers have been invited up until 16/05/2018 4:08 PM on the 11 Aug 2018 round.
Depending on the backlog or 75 and 70 pointers who may have lodged before you, Apr 2018 may be too close and risky.
You will need to increase your score to 75 which will be much better score to be invited in that timeframe.
All the best.
Hi Ashwin,
I lodged my EOI in 261111 for 189 in March 2018 on 65 points and updated this month with 75 points. Could you please tell me when can I expect invitation?? I am worried because only 80 points holders got invitation last month.
Also, If i want to apply for 190 for victoria, do I need relevant work experience or job letter?
I would really apreciate your feedback.
Hi Pooja,
With your SC189 now updated to 75 points, your Date of Effect (D.o.E) will be in Aug 2018, hence your EOI will be taken to be in queue from the date/time you updated your EOI and your score increased to 75 points.
“20 Jun 2018 invitation round” invited, 75 pointers from date 26/02/2018 lodged until 12:06 AM.
So there will still be a backlog of 75 pointers from this date and any higher points scorers.
If number of invitations continue to be the same as last financial year, then depending on various factors, it could take you at least till early 2019 to receive an Invitation (still no certainty though as the stats are not clear).
With SC190 Victoria Nomination you will need to prove to Victoria Government that you have minimum 5 years of experience in the occupation and 7.0 in each band in IELTS.
I wish you all the best.
Mechanical Engineer EOI submitted NOV-2017 currently on 70 points for 189 and 75 for 190(NSW). Could you please give me an idea when can i expect an invitation?
Hi Ahmed,
SC189 @ 70 points for Mechanical Engineer is a reasonable score.
As at 20 Jun 2018, 75 pointers until 12/04/2018 8:49 PM were invited, so depending on the number of invitations being sent out and the amount of backlog, it could take its time.
With NSW, there is no given criteria and the processing time frame, so no certainty.
Hello Ashwin,
I lodged my EOI (enrolled nurse) nsw on 24/8/2018 for 190 at 65 point and 489 at 70 point for nsw, please what are my chances for an invite.
Hi Ike,
NSW treats all EOI’s in two stages.
Firstly you lodge EOI and wait for Step-1 email – When you get this email, is when they invite you to proceed to step-2, that is the formal State Nomination Application.
There is no timeframe provided for the stage 1 “selection” though, so it could take from one month to 18 months for instance, so the uncertainty is there.
So your SC190 would be treated as above.
Since you are a Health professional, I would recommend that you should prepare a strong decision-ready State Nomination Application to stand out from all other applicants and submit that.
You would have much better prospects and could even be invited in 2-3 months time from lodgement.
If you are keen to get specific advice regarding your case, I recommend you to organise an Initial Consultation:
I wish you all the best.
Hi Ashwin,
I applied for South Australia state nomination for VISA 489 under accountant category.. I have lodged my EOI on 17th of july with overall points score of 80 ( including state nomination 10 points). Currently I am residing in Sri Lanka.. I would Like to know whether there is any possibility of me getting any invitation?
Hi Shalinka,
Offshore applicants can be supported for Provisional 489 visa only as long as you have 3 years’ work experience in field.
Immigration SA is having processing delays currently and the processing times have been blown out up to 14- 16 weeks from lodgement date – please take note.
Considering they stopped accepting new applications under high points for this occupation on 19/07/18, you might just be lucky to be considered under the occupation depending on the overall quality of the application and whether or not it meets the criteria as stated on the date of lodgement by Immigration SA.
All the best.
Hi Ashwin,
Thanks for the response,
Yes I do have 03 years of experience and following is the breakdown of my points,
Age : – 27 – 30 Points
Degree : – 15 Points (Assessed by CPA)
Experience : – 5 Points (Assessed by CPA)
English : – 20 Points (PTE 79+ each band)
SA 489 : – 10 Points
With all due respect I would love to know with your experience and knowledge whether the points can make a severe impact for the state to offer a nomination?
And currently I am planning to assess my wife also as a skilled dependent to get additional 5 points if needed. Any Advise on that?
Hi Shalinka,
Provided you have a positive skills assessment and you have solid payment evidences of overseas experience >3 years to claim the 5 points in the nominated occupation, you should be fine.
80 points is a good score, however, it would depend on how many other applications from onshore and offshore SA have received in your occupation the short period of time about two weeks since they opened the nomination program on 5th July 2018.
Points are def. one of key criteria for state nom selection by state governments.
Absolutely, if you can add further 5 points, why not.
However, you might be a bit late for SA if you have not already lodged her skills assessment yet.
I wish you all the best.
Hi Ashwin,
Thank you very much for the quick response.
I am not quite sure whether I have necessary points to lodge an invitation for 189 under accountant as the competition looks very high. Is the Australian government limiting the number of accountants they absorb each year?
Best Regards
Hi Shalinka,
70 points for SC189 “may” be picked up sometime next year, however, certainly not the best score to have given the competition.
There is an occupation ceiling for each pro-rata occupation however, DHA has been changing their invitation patterns many times over the past 12 months so it is highly unpredictable at this stage.
All the best.
Civil Engineer EOI submitted July-2018 currently on 65 points for 189 and 70 for 190(NSW& Victoria). Please let me know when can I expect an invitation?
Hi Chottu,
SC189 – 65 points is a low score, and due to specific data not being available, I am unable to advise.
SC190 VIC – did you check/so you meet the eligibility criteria of minimum 5 years of experience?
SC190 NSW – there is no timeframe they advise for this.
Hi Ashwin,
My score is 70 points for 189 and 75 for 190 (NSW). Occupation is 261313 Software engineer. What do you recon is the estimated wait time. Do you think there is any chance of getting an invitation?
Hi Stephen,
SC189 @ 70 pts – is a reasonable score for a pro-rata occupation, however, there is a decent backlog of applications at 75 pts and then at 70 pts so it will take a bit of time.
SC190 NSW @ 75 pts – SC190 NSW – there is no timeframe NSW advise for this, so it purely a matter of chance whether you get invited now or never.
You should further explore to maximise your points score to receive an invitation sooner.
All the best.
Hi there, just lodged EOI for 489 visa, nomination by SA for job category 231111. Points currently at 90. How long should I expect to wait?
Hi Oscar,
Immigration SA is experiencing processing delays currently and the processing times have been blown out up to 14- 16 weeks from lodgement date – please take note.
At 90 points (if all your claims can be backed up by evidences), should see you receive an Invitation.
All the best.
Hi Sir,
I submitted my EOI during april 2018 with 65 points for 2631(computer network professional). Again i updated on August 23rd with 75 Points. what are my chances of getting the invite in the coming rounds.
Hi Gowtham,
Your Date of Effect will be for SC189 EOI: 23.08.2018 @ 75 pts which is a good score.
However, since we have only received results for 11 Jul invitation round, it is not possible to forecast.
All the best.
Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate
Glad I could assist.
Hi Ashwin
i have submitted 189 EOI for 65 points Jan 2018 under Mechanical Engineer – 233512 .
With the current invites going out, i would say its hard to estimate how many will be invited for 11 August 2018.
Which state is easy to apply for 190 state sponsorship with mechanical engineer working experience. to get the extra 5 points.. or any other easy points to get ?
Hi Diyana
Great news is that on 11 Aug 2018, the DHA increased number of invitations to 2490 for SC189 (1000 on 11 Jul 2018 round) and a reasonable amount of backlog has cleared.
Should the DHA continue to invite 2,500 or more every month then this would be great news for all.
However, at 65 points you will still need to wait a while as at 11 Aug 2018, 70 pointers in your occupation have been invited up until 4/12/2017 11:13 AM.
So there is a backlog of past 9 months to be cleared still.
Would be better if you can improve your points score further.
All the best.
Hi Ashwin
Thanks for the respond
Im interested in getting the extra 5 points from state nomination , any recommendations ?
Hi Diyana
For further specific advice tailored to your situation, you will need to organise an Initial Consultation:
Use the coupon code: WINTER10 to avail 10% discount of the Consultation Fee for a limited time only!
I look forward to assisting you further.
i have 70 points for 190 and 75 points for 489 visa. my job code is 262111- database administrator.
Please suggest when can I expect invitation.
Hi Vandana
You did not advise which states you have lodged your state nomination applications to?
Each state have their own unique criteria and processing times.
Hello, I submitted my EOI (189) on 18th August 2018 with 65 points for 26311(Computer Network Professional) . I changed my profile to 190 with 70 points on August 27th when I read that I might not get ITA with 65 points . Please what are my chances of getting the nomination from a state (I selected All state) . How soon can I get ITA. Thanks
Hi Benteez,
Selecting all states would not get you anywhere as you are not showing “loyalty and committment to one state”.
Besides, State Nomination process works differently to just lodging an EOI and needs careful planning especially for ICT professionals as there is severe competition in certain occupations.
Should you be interested in lodging strong, decision ready State Nomination applications and maximising your prospects of receiving an invitation,
you can organise an Initial Consultation via link:
All the best.
I have 65 points and I am a registered nurse
I just lodged an eoi in just 17 August.
Still I am a student is there any possible chances to get an invitation for 11th sep
Hi Priya,
Great news is that on 11 Aug 2018, the DHA increased number of invitations to 2490 for SC189 (1000 on 11 Jul 2018 round) and a reasonable amount of backlog has cleared.
Should the DHA continue to invite 2,500 or more SC189’s every month then this would be great news for all.
However, since you have just lodged your EOI it could take a few months at the very least.
There is not much prospects that you would be invited on 11 Sep as its too soon.
Thank you for your reply
Actually My work experience in australia as a Registered nurse will be 1 year in October 16th
And I already have skill assement of my study of bachelor and I am doing last semester of master which will complete on first week of September.
So what is the process of claiming 5 points of my experience
Hi Priyahimire
To be able to claim 5 points for your work experience at DHA Visa Application Stage, you will need to provide employment evidences along with payment evidences for the entire employment period claimed.
Please carefully check that you meet the requirements of Full Skill Assessment and that the employment period claimed meets all the requirements, including level of duties, hours worked per week, payment etc.
Also have you read my “Top 5 Observations” form the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Hi can you please update about 11th September invitation round.
Actually I have now 65points and by the 1st week of November I will have extra 5 points of competition of my study.
I have submitted my eoi on 17th August
Is it possible to get invitation on 11th October
And could you please let me know how about backlogs of RN
Hi Priya
At 70 points for RN you could receive an Invitation within 1-2 invitation rounds.
I am assuming you are in Australia, have you also considered State Nomination as a strategy?
Yes I am in Australia
And I have been working as RN for 1 year
And I am still student and I am working 19.15 per week and 38.5 hours(not less) fortnightly regularly
Tomorrow it will be 1 complete year of working as RN.
And work full time during my summer vacation
Can I update my eoi tomorrow..?
Ps;- I got registration after 7 months of arriving australia.
And still there is 1 more month to complete my study
Please help me for that
You need to be careful to ensure that you meet all the criteria relating to “claiming employment points for your Australian work experience” “before” you lodge your EOI.
Else you risk a visa application refusal.
Please organise an Initial Consultation for advice relating to your case.
Hi Ashwin,
Interesting Article. I am a MBA candidate in Perth and recently I finished my MBA in professional accounting. Now planning to finish the professional year as well. However with the recent changes government has announced I find it difficult to understand what sort of implications I have to face as a student as some of the states are strict on their PR and TR procedures. Would like to seek an advise from you as I am planning to apply for PR or TR in hopefully next year or year after under accountant occupation category. Appreciate if you can give me a brief advise as to see I am eligible to apply for any state (either 489 or 190)?
Hi Shashini,
Congrats on completing your Masters!
WA recently announced that they would be looking to support high-achieving international students with nomination – look up on this.
If there is not much there for you, then WA is not the best of states to be continuing to live and work in, as there are no state nomination prospects.
Then, you may wish to consider relocating to Tasmania or Northern Territory or ACT or South Australia and finding relevant employment in the hope of a SC190 or SC489 nomination, should the occupation be supported.
However, be careful as each State have their own “requirements and criteria to be met” – so please ensure before you relocate that you are accurately informed.
Overall though, it is highly challenging and competitive to be able to secure nomination in this occupation.
Besides, there is fierce competition in Accountants occupation as you would know, so the best bet is that you maximise your points test score independently.
I wish you all the best.
Thank you for your reply
Actually My work experience in australia as a Registered nurse will be 1 year in October 16th
And I already have skill assement of my study of bachelor and I am doing last semester of master which will complete on first week of September.
So what is the process of claiming 5 points of my experience
Hi Mr.Ashwin
I submitted my EOI on 30 July 2018 for Agricultural Scientist,currently I am on 70 points for 189 and 75 for 190(NSW and Victoria) .Could you please give me an idea when can I expect an invitation?
Hi Sona
70 points for this non pro-rata occupation is a decent score for SC189.
How long will it take, well difficult to pin point for this niche occupation, however it will depend on the number of invitations that DHA continue sending out each month.
NSW do not provide any selection criteria and not timeframe.
VIC – You will need to prepare a strong, decision ready nomination application, to seek nomination.
Also, are you currently in Australia or overseas it is critical to know before I can assist further?
All the best.
I submitted my EOI 2 days ago with 80 pts for the Subclass 189.
Profession: Registered Nurse
Will i make it on the next invitation round or could it be months?
Hi Marvyn,
Great news is that on 11 Aug 2018, the DHA increased number of invitations to 2490 for SC189 (1000 only invited on 11 Jul 2018 round) and a reasonable amount of backlog has cleared.
Should the DHA continue to invite 2,500 or more SC189’s every month then this would be great news for you and all.
Should DHA continue these higher number of invitations, you can expect an invitation on 11 Sep 2018 round, or 11 Oct 2018 the latest.
All the best.
Hello. Applied for 261111 with 70 points(189) and 75(190 nsw) on 27th august 2018. What are the chances to get invitation in upcoming rounds?
Hi Maryum,
70 points for 261111 occupation is a low score.
You will need to improve it to reduce the amount of wait to receive an invitation.
NSW is very uncertain as there is no timeframe or criteria given.
Besides, if you are onshore have you considering state nomination as an option?
All the best.
Hello . Our total score is 75 for 190 NSW. We are looking foward to receive invitation for 190. With your experience, please advice that whats the probability to receive invite in minimum time.
Hi Maryum – did you read my earlier reply?
Hi Sir
Applied under subclass 189 for the occupation Developer programmer with 75 points on 31st August 2018. Can you please help with an ETA.
Hi Rick
11 Aug 2018 round: 75 pointers were invited up until 20/06/2018 8:32 PM.
This means you could be lucky and be invited by 11 Sep 2018 invitation round (best case scenario) or within the subsequent two rounds after that.
All the best.
Hi Ashwin,
I am inclined towards state sponsorship of South Australia for 489 Visa for 121216(Mixed Crop Farmer), can you please clarify my below doubts:-
1) Which bachelor degree is required for assessment or any bachelor degree will work?
2) I have my own farm, so can i show the experience of that?
3)If granted the South Australia state sponsorship for 489 visa , do i have to work as a farmer or i can do any job?
I have already given my PTE and have scored 79+ in each.
Hi Sehaj,
1. Depending on the degree being relevant or irrelevant, certain number of years of “paid” work experience will be deducted (up to 3 years).
2. Be cautious if your employment is “self-employment”, as the document requirements are very high.
3. If nom. granted for SC489, you can work in the nominated occupation, or in any other occupation as you prefer.
Good score, however, there are some key concerns in your case to be addressed firstly.
All the best.
Thanks for you advice Ashwin, appreciate it.
Hi Ashwin
I submitted EOI under subclass 189 with 65 points under Mechanical Engineering on 18 August 18. My Graduate visa expires May 19. What are my chances of getting the invitation before my visa expires?
Hi Eric
Great news is that on 11 Aug 2018, the DHA increased number of invitations to 2490 for SC189 (1000 on 11 Jul 2018 round) and a reasonable amount of backlog has cleared.
Should the DHA continue to invite 2,500 or more every month then this would be great news for all.
However, at 65 points you will still need to wait a while as at 11 Aug 2018, 70 pointers in your occupation have been invited up until 4/12/2017 11:13 AM.
So there is a backlog of past 9 months to be cleared still.
By Jan 2019, it would be clearer depending on how many invitations has been sent out in the next 4 months to ascertain whether you may or may not get invited by May 2019.
Would be better if you can improve your points score further.
All the best.
Hi Ashwin,
Good day!!
I am having 70 points (189) and 75 points (190,”Any State”) for 261313 (software engg.), EOI updated on 29th Aug,2018.May i know ETA for both the categories.Is it good that i have filled against “Any state” under 190?
Hi Harry
70 points for SC189 for 261313 occupation will be a long wait as the last 70 pointers invited were in early 2018 with EOI Date of Effect Sep/Oct 2017.
I would strongly recommend increasing your score to 75 points if possible for a more certain turnaround.
For SC190 “anystate” would not work. Depending on various factors, where you are based, education, employment experience, points, and other criteria, you will need to target states specifically to be selected and invited.
Applied for 254412 with 70 points(189) and 75(190 nsw) on 27th august 2018. What are the chances to get invitation in upcoming rounds?
Hi Jeena
70 points for SC189 is a decent score for the occupation.
Depending if DHA no. of invitations stay the same of higher than 11 Aug round of 2.5k, then you should be fine in the next 3-5 months.
Are you onshore of offshore?
I have 70 189 and 70+5 190. NSW
Electronics engineering.
Age :30
English: 20
What are my chances of getting invite ?
Hi Jaskaran
Electronics Engineer occupation is highly competitive – it could easily take you 5-8 months to be invited at 70 points as there is a decent backlog still to be cleared.
At 75 points for SC189 though, you will be able to obtain an invitation within 3-4 months.
Assuming you are offshore? NSW is uncertain as to whether they would consider your EOi or not.
Was your EOI was lodged around Jun/Jul 2018?
Hi Ashwin,
I have lodged my EOI on 22nd August 2018 for 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer). Below are my details:-
For Subclass 189-75 Points
Subclass 190-80 Points (Victoria & NSW)
How long I should be waiting for 190 invitation? What are my chances of 189 on Sept 11, 2018? In case I get both 190 (NSW) & 189, which is faster and which one should I choose? Plz advice.
Hi Monica,
Firstly are you in Australia or outside as this can have impact on your State Nomination applications?
For this occupation at 75 points for SC189, you could be invited on 11 Sep 2018 round or 11 Oct 2018 round depending on whether if the invitation numbers continue to be high.
SC189 should be your first priority of course as it does not require any state supporting your visa application.
Hello Monica, Please share your experience. Did you received the invite today ?
Hi Sir,
I have submitted EOI for 261313(Software Engineer) on 14th July, 2018 and updated on 7th August, 2018. When I can expect Invitation from same and how much backlogs have been cleared for 261313 in July and August.
Thanks In Advance
SC189 EOI submitted at how many points?
I have submitted by EOI with 70 points for 189 and 75 points for 190. What is the approximate timeframe to get invite and how much backlogs is still there for same?
Hi Ashwin, i have applied my EOI at 15/07/2018 with 75 points and profession code is 2613. When i can expect my invitation? Thanks in Advance
Hi Varun
Please read my comments to other 2613 occupation enquiries recently.
Also have you read my “Top 5 Observations” form the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Hi Ashwin,
Quite useful information in the threads above.
Will appreciate your advice on my case.
Profession: Civil Engineer (233211)
Points: 70
EOI Lodgement Date: 27th August 2018
By when do you think will I get an invitation to apply for SC189?
I have booked in a CCL test for this November to obtain 5 more points but I am quite dicey about it considering the increase in invitations in Aug 11 round.
My current student visa expires in April 2020.
So what do you suggest? Should I wait for next two invitation rounds or give the exam?
Thanks for your help.
Thank you.
70 points for SC189 for the said occuaption is a decent score, however, it could take between 3-5 months to receive your invitation given that you have just lodged the EOI last week.
Absolutely CCL test result would boost your score (if cleared), and you will receive an invitation much sooner, so I recommend taking the test to maximising your prospects.
Also have you read my “Top 5 Observations” form the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Thanks Ashwin,
Similar situation.. Thats my answer.
l have been submitted my EOI on 27th of August my question is according to current statistics how long it will take to get invitation and from your experience which one will come first 189 or 190 thx in advance My points 70 189 70+5 190 under software engineer
Hi Asem – There is a backlog of 70 pointers from early 2018 at 70 points so this could take some time depending on numbers.
Which state did you lodge SC190 EOI/ application for?
Hi Ashwin
I have 75 points Electrical Engineer date of effect 24/08/2018
Do you think I can receive invite in September
Hi Vineeta,
You might just be lucky to be invited in tomorrow’s round!
All the best and please update here if you do get invited.
I have lodged my EOI in Feb 2018 with 65 points, mechanical engineer for 189 and 190 for NSW, then I got 10 more points from English test last week so my points was updated today on 10th September, it becomes 75 points for 189 and 80 for 190. Will I be invited on 11th Sep invitation round? If yes, does it mean I will get noticed tomorrow?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Kathy,
Yes, you might still get invited tomorrow 11 Sep 2018, depending on how many to total number of invitations are sent!
If you are invited for SC189, you will receive an email invitation just after midnight AEST.
With SC190 this could take a while still, and if you get SC189 invite, pls do not forget to withdraw your SC190 EOI.
All the best and pls update here should you get invited.
Hi Ashwin,
I have applied my EoI on 11th June 2018 with 65 points for 261112-ICT Security Specialist. just wanted to know when can i get invite for 189. is there any possibility for Victoria/NSW state nomination. I am cyber security professional with 9 years experience. to add to this my wife stays at melbourne since last 8 months and she holds 457 till 2021. Does this 457 help me for state nomination?
Please suggest me.
Hi Arun
Thanks for your note.
There are a few things to consider in your case and we have replied to your enquiry via an email.
l have been submitted my EOI on 27th of August my question is according to current statistics how long it will take to get invitation and from your experience which one will come first 189 or 190 thx in advance My points 70 189 70+5 190
Software engineer 261313
Hi, I have 65 points for 190 and 70 for 489 – Position Child Care manager – Applied on 24/August what would you say it my estimated timeline? I hear not many people applies for this area.
Hi Juliane
State/ Regional nomination applications are not treated like the SC189 EOI’s>
Each state has its own eligibility criteria and processing times etc.
Which state did you lode your SC190 and SC489’s to?
Also have you read my “Top 5 Observations” form the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Hi Ashwin,
I have submitted my EOI for subclass 189, Software Engineer – 261313 with 75 points on Aug 31st 2018, When can i expect an invite?
If the backlog clears consistent to the last invitation round, then 11 Oct 2018 you should ideally get invited.
All the best.
Also have you read my “Top 5 Observations” form the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Feel free to leave your comments there.
Hi, what are the chances of invitation to apply for 75 points in 189 (80 in 190) for general accountant job code? Filed EOI on 31st August.
For SC189, as at 11 Aug 2018 round, 80 pointers with D.o.E 15/03/2018 4:05 PM have been invited.
So still a decent backlog to be cleared – it could take many months still depending on the numbers of 75 pointers before you and number of invitations.
Hello Ashwin,
First of all thanks a lot for this cause that you are doing and helping everyone and investing your time.
My query is exactly same as Monica mentioned above on 2nd September but I have less points. What are chances of getting invite with 70 points for 26311. My EOI was submitted 0n 26th May 2018, on 1st August got 5 more points of experience. Now I have EOI for 189 with 70 and for 190 (NSW and Victoria) with 75 points. What are tha chances and In which month I can expect the invite?
Thank you for your feedback Parveen.
Firstly are you in Australia or outside as this can have impact on your State Nomination applications?
For this occupation at 70 points for SC189, difficult to say as there can be a decent backlog still as at 11 Aug 2018 update: 70 pointers 27/09/2017 12:29 PM have been invited.
If you have found our advice useful and valuable, it would be great if you could pls take a minute to “recommend us” on facebook:
Thank you.
Hi Ashwin, I have submitted my EOI subclass 189- software Engineer 261313 with 75 points on August 31, when can i expect the invitation?
If about two months backlog continues to clear each round then 11 November 2018 round you could be invited.
If you are “Do It Yourself” application, and you require a professional opinion on your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal, you can consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
I lodged EOI on 21st June 2018 with 189 – 70 Points and 190 – 75 points (NSW) for 261313. I got 79+ in English and I don’t see any other option to increase my points. Can you please suggest when can I expect my invitation.
To maximise your prospects of receiving an Invitation, have you read my “Top 5 Observations” form the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Hi Ashwin,
I am a Registered Nurse (Critical Care) with 70 point for 189 and 75 points for 190 (Victoria). Could you please tell me when I can expect a reply from skill select!
Hi Biju
VIC SC190 for Nurses is now a two stage “invite only” process. So you will need to wait for the pre-invtation first and there is no timeframe for this.
For SC189, if the number of invitations continue to hold and the overall points score drops, you could be invited in the next 2-4 months.
If you are doing a “Do It Yourself” application, and you require a professional opinion on your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal, you can consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Thanks Ashwin!! 🙂
Hi Ashwin,
I have lodged EOI with 70 points for SC189 in Mechanical Engineering on September 4, 2018. What do you think that how long it would take to get the invitation? Is there any possibilities for the September round invitation?
September round already happened on 11 Sep.
With backlog of about 9 months, it would take a while before your EOI is picked up.
Also have you read my “Top 5 Observations” form the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Feel free to leave your comments below that article.
Do you think that with 70 points(submitted EOI on 4th September for SC189), I should go for SC190 for NSW or any other states offering nominations for mechanical Engineers or wait for a few rounds to get invited for SC189?But, I don’t know how many rounds I have to wait to be invited?Please advise….
HI Ashwin just asking when the nsw 190 round will happen next lodged my EOI on 29/08/2018 with 80 points
Hi Marly,
A common misconception amongst DIY’ers is that there is a “round” for SC190/SC489 visas as well.
This is not the case.
Especially for NSW, as they do not provide any timeframe re how long they will take to process EOIs etc.
It could take from 1 week to over 1 year and it depends on various factors that NSW look at.
However, at 75 points SC189 you should be invited in a few months from now.
Good day,
I lodged my EOI on September 3, 2018
Occupation: Chef
Points: 70 / will get 75 once I turn 25 years old.
Chef is in non pro rata, how long do I have to wait till i get an invitation?
Hi Ruigi
My first question is are you claiming any points for your work experience?
If yes, is it onshore or offshore?
At the age of 24 how do you know that you meet the requirement of “Chef” occupation?
Please be very careful as many DIY’ers get their visa applications refused and lose all their money be “over-claiming” points in the EOI.
We have assisted from onshore cooks to Executive Chefs of Leading 5 star hotels in the World and understand what is required in this scenario.
Since you a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to ensure your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal, you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin,
I am Mechanical Engineer with score 70 for 189 (cut off date 24 Aug, after experience points) and 75 for Victoria and NSW (applied on 03 July). I know for 189 it will take time minimum Jan 2019 or I will miss invitation but for Victoria or NSW, what is the expected time of Invitation or 75 is not sufficient to get nomination?
Hi Waqas
Are you currently in or outside Australia? As this could impact on how your SC190 EOI’s/Nom applications would be considered.
NSW do not provide any criteria or time frame for selection so is very uncertain.
VIC have recently updated the way they handle Engg. occupations – now there will first “select” from the pool of EOIs and send a formal invitation to lodge the state nom. application afterwards. Even here there is no timeframe provided.
Hi Ash my wife lodged EOI with points score of 65 for secondary school science teacher for Queensland in April, we have since lodged a regional 489 EOI with the orana region of NSW which puts us on 75 points we lodged this on 14/7 what do you think our chance are with current scores. Regards
Hi Jamie
Is your Spouse in or outside AU?
Secondary School Teacher is currently not on offshore QSOL.
Generally, QLD “selects” EOI’s based on their own criteria and then provides 14 days to lodge nomination application.
Your score is the lowest band currently.
Similarly you will need to ascertain whether you meet the Orana Region’s criteria or not?
If you are doing a “Do It Yourself” application, and you require a professional opinion on your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal, you can consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
All the best.
Hi Mr. Ashwin,
Any indications on ITA for chemical engineers with following scores;
189- 65
190- 70 ( NSW)
EOI Lodged: 12th July 2018
Waiting for spouse’ skill assessment to add further 5 points.
65 pointers have not been invited yet in the invitation rounds this financial year.
Hence, adding 5 points will certainly improve your prospects.
Sep and Oct round numbers will make it clearer as to the status of no pro rata 65 and 70 pointers, however, yours would take time die to the backlog.
NSW SC190 EOI can take a long time to be invited. Its anyones guess.
Since you a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
I am a Registered Nurse, submitted EOI for 189 on march 2018. when can I expect invitation?
Thank You
Hi Tessy
Need to know your points score?
I just got my outcome for skills asssessment as positive. I am an electrical engineer with 70 points. EOI is likely to be lodged this month. What are my chances of getting an invite? How soon should I expect the invite under 189?
Hi Felishya
Please have your EOI lodged asap so it is in the queue asap.
70 pointers have been invited past two months, and if number of invitations continue then they will continue to be invited and more backlog cleared.
However, reasonably it could take 3-5 months still.
Since you a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin ,
Lodged EOI 5th July for 489 visa (plumber -general) with 65 points inclusive of state nomination for QLD . Do you know how long it would take for an invite from experience ? We selected QLD as preferred state , rather than ‘any’. Hoping they need plumbers ? Do you know the processing time for Queensland sponsorship as there doesn’t seem to be as many post on here for that state . Max points for experience and age , working on remark of Ilets .
Hi Rochelle
Assuming that you are currently offshore – outside Australia?
Your occupation is in demand however can only be supported for a Subclass 489.
Generally speaking BSMQ’s processing is fairly effective and if the EOI is lodged “correctly” then they would reply in a reasonable time.
However, it depends on whether your EOI is pre-selected first or not as there is severe competition these days.
Given you are at 65 points for SC489, you are at the lowest band possible currently and should consider improving your score.
Have you considered other Australian states as well?
Have you read my “Top 5 Observations” and key strategies to improve your EOI scoreform the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Feel free to leave your comments below that article.
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to ensure your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal, you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Dear Ashwin,
Thank you for your reply. Yes we are offshore and we did use a migration agent to submit. What does ‘if your EOI is pre-selected’ mean ? Also i heard that points aren’t as crucial for a 489 nomination as it goes according to your trade/skill rather than points. We are really keen on QLD rather than any other state. They do not seem to give any indication on nomination processing times though. Any ideas?
Hi Rochelle
QLD have a pre-selection criteria and they “select” who they would like to extend an invitation to “formally lodge the State Nom application first”.
Then you lodge the State Nom App and if you get approved you receive an Invitation.
I suggest you follow up with your Registered Migration Agent to understand the state nomination process clearly.
You have “heard” incorrectly that points aren’t crucial in SC489 nominations.
Although this used to be the way until 2016-17 financial year invitations, over the past 15 months, the State Governments have been adding “additional criteria” such as higher points requirement, higher English requirement, and others for specific occupations where the demand/competition is high. So please carefully research further on this.
Hope this helps clarify your doubts further.
If you believe you have gained some valuable information through this forum, it would be great if you could take a minute to please provide your candid feedback on facebook or Google:
Hi Ashwin
I lodged my EOI on 10 September 2017- 65 points for 189 SC and then I updated my Application with 75 points for 189 SC on 7 September 2018.
ANZCO code- 261312 developer programmer
Can you pls help me to predict when i will be able to get invitation!!
Hi Sumandeep
Your DoE will be 7 Sep 2018 at 75 points.
11 Nov 2018 or 11 Dec 2018 could be the rounds you get invited by.
Since you a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin,
Good Day!
What are the chances of invitation to apply for 189 with 75 points (80 in 190 NSW and VIC) for a software engineer?
EOI submitted on 24th August 2018?
Hi Sreelekshmi
11 Oct 2018 or 11 Nov 2018 could be the rounds you get invited by.
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin,
I have submitted my EOI for subclass 189, Electronics Engineer– 233411 with 70 points on Sep 15 2018, When can i expect an invite?
Hi Eben
70 points is a low score for this occupation and it could easily take until early next year for you to be considered.
Have you read my “Top 5 Observations” and key strategies to improve your EOI scoreform the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
Feel free to leave your comments below that article.
My date of birth is 10 May 1986. I am going to submit my EOI in October 2018. As per the points table, should I be eligible for 30 points (age band 25 to 32 years) or 25 points (age band 33 to 39 years) as technically I will be 33 from 10 May 2019 only. Please guide.
As of October 2018, if the EOI has been completed accurately, the complete points claim process happens based on the information you have entered in the EOI via SkillSelect.
A lot of “self-lodgers, Do-It-Yourself” applicants “make a big mistake here” as they do not realise that the points claimed in the EOI will need to be “verified” to Department of Home Affairs at Visa Application stage and strong evidences “must be provided” to avoid delays and avoid visa application refusal.
There is a high number of Do-It-Yourself applicants unfortunately, who get their visa applications refused for simple issues which “could have been fixed” if they had taken professional advice. We get enquiries every week from applicants when things have gone wrong and how they can fix them.
However, if the Visa Application is lodged, it may not always be possible to fix the mistakes (especially for over claim of points) and the applicants “risk” visa refusal.
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin,
Good day!
I’m from India (offshore). I have 70 points (189) and 75 points (190,”Any State”) for 261111 (Business Analyst), EOI first submitted on 20 June, 2018 (with 60 points) updated on 19th Sep, 2018. May I know the possibility for both the categories. What would you recommend my further steps be?
Hi Karan
70 points for this occupation is a low score and you will need to increase your points score if you are serious about receiving an invitation within this financial year.
SC190 Any state will not get you anywhere.
We have recently had success with two state nominations in your occupation, however, they were both carefully planned, prepared and executed state nomination applications accompanying strong statements by the applicant.
Have you read my “Top 5 Observations” and key strategies to improve your EOI score, from the SkillSelect 11 Aug 2018 Invitation Round results?
Read here now.
If you would like us to assist you with your case, then please organise an Initial Consultation by clicking here
Hi Ashwin,
We submitted an EOI with 70 points for a 189 Visa for a General Motor Mechanic (321211) in August. Is there an estimated date we might receive an invitation to lodge our visa application? We are applying from the UK.
Many Thanks
Hi Roger,
If you haven’t received an Invitation on 11 Sep 2018 round then you could within next 2 rounds.
Have you also considered other strategies to maximise your points test score?
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
I just submitted an EOI for Electrical Engineer with 75 pts for 189 and 80 pts for 190 subclass.
EOI submitted today. Would like to know the chances of being invited and if you have further advice. Thank you.
Hi Azi,
At current trends about two months worth of 75 pointers backlog are being invited in each monthly round.
If this continues you could be invited at 75 points within next 3-4 Invitation rounds.
With SC190 you need to provide detailed information.
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin,
I have submitted my EOI for subclass 189, Electronics Engineer– 233411 with 65 points on Sep 10 2018, When can I expect an invite? I have also submitted EOI for SC 190 as well (65+70)
Hi Hafeez
All 75 pointers have been invited and now the 70 pointers backlog is being cleared first, currently sitting at: 15/11/2017 10:32am
Hence, at 65 points the prospects are not very good for you to be invited in this financial year.
It would certainly depend on the number of 70 pointers in the backlog that there are and then of 65 pointers.
Have you considered other strategies to maximise your points-test score?
With SC190 you need to provide additional information to be able to assess and advice further.
Many “Do it Yourself” applicants get caught out every year with visa refusals and even PIC 4020 – 3 year ban from reapplying a new visa application, due to certain critical mistakes which could have been avoided.
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin, Greetings! I got a Ph.D. in a Victorian University recently in mechanical engineering. I am planning to go for Vic gov nomination. In the Vic gov website, it is asking the evidence for the skill. Is my Ph.D. certificate from the Vic Uni is enough to confirm my skill, or do I need to pass through engineers Australia skill assessment?
Your opinions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
PS: Ph.D. Pathway
Hi Sarath
The process remains the same overall.
You will need to apply for Skills Assessment for Skilled Migration via EA as it is a requirement by DHA.
Wish you all the best.
Hello Ashwin
I have submitted my eoi on 15 august 2018 as a network analyst with 65 points + 10 points for state nomination =75 points for south australia from India. can I come to know that when can i get invitation.
Hi Manpreet,
South Australia State Nomination Team is an efficient team in Adelaide, even though the application portal is a bit “cumbersome”.
You do meet the requirements for the occupation for a SC489 (Regional) Nomination.
Please note that SA Govt’s processing times have been extended to up to 16 weeks from lodgement due to high demand.
Besides, on 29/08/2018 SA Government have added “Supplementary/Special conditions” which means that they have almost completed their quota for the year for this occupation.
I have come across many State Nomination EOI’s/ applications which have been incompletely or incorrectly submitted.
Are you confident of the quality of your State Nomination Application as you only really have one chance at it to get it right?
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi Ashwin
Good Day!
I am EA accrediated Mechanical Engineer with total points for 189 at 65 points. EOI lodged at 9 May 2017. Recently I lodged 489 family sponser with 75 points. Can you update me what are chances of getting invite according to you? Is there any other EOI option I can opt for? Currently i reside in Melbourne.
Kind Regards
It could take at least 4-8 months for you to be invited depending on backlog.
You will need to increase your score to obtain an invitation sooner.
Hiii Ashwin, Greetings from India.
I have applied for chefs category but my point is 65 only for subclass 189, so do u expect that i can get a call on these points or should i go with regional sub class 190 that will make my points 70. What would you suggest. Thanks My Age is 33 and have 9 years of experience as a chef in 5 star hotel in india. looking forward for your guidance.
You could wait for SC189 invitation however it could take some time.
We have assisted many chefs and I would suggest that seeking SC190 (PR) State Nomination is a much more effective strategy.
If you would like assistance with it, please organise an Initial Consultation for advice relating to your case.
Hi Ashwin,
I have submitted an EOI for 189 and 190 visa today (5/10/18). My points are 70 for 189 and 75 for 190 NSW.
Would there be any possibility for me to receive an invitation in the next two rounds?
Emma what is your occupation?
Hi, what are the chances of invitation to apply Registered Nurse 60+5 (SC 190 Victoria and nsw ) Victoria new graduate with job offer.
Thank you
Hi Sam,
What is your ANZSCO Code and are you currently living in VIC or overseas?
Hi Ashwin,
Please find my details below and provide your input.
ACS – 27th Jun 2018
EOI was submitted – 27th Jun 2018
Score – 70 points
Sub Class – 189
Job code – 261313(Software Eng)
When can I expect an invite for this score..?
Also, by Apr 2019, I will gain an additional year of professional experience (i.e, 8 years). So, I hope my points will increase to 75 after that. Will it affect my EOI effective date.. ?
Kindly advise.. Thank you very much !!
If your points go up or down the EOI Date of Effect will change to “that date” with the new score.
Given your occupation, you should have been invited on 11 Oct 2018 round?
Did you?
Hi Ashwin,
I have not received an invite for SC 189 yet. However, I have increased my points from 70 to 75 using spouse skills. EOI Date of Effect is 14th Jan 2019. When can I expect an invite in this case…
I have filled 190 for ViC as ICT Security Specialist on 5th Oct 2018 , Total points 65 (1 year Victoria experience) ( currenty got 6 bands only) . Is there change i will get the invite. (on 457 Visa)
VIC has a two-stage State Nomination process and there is no timeframe given for SC190 nomination.
However, they have prioritised SC457 holders via fast-track processing which may or may not work in your favour.
However, at this low score you may not be get through stage one to be formally invited.
I submitted my eoi with 70 points 189
and 70+5 points 190 – NSW
Software engineer
Could you please guide me the probable waiting time to get invite.
Currently there are still 75 pointers being invited in your occupation until the next round or so.
There will be a decent backlog of 7-9 months to be cleared still, which will become clearer soon.
NSW provides no time frame or criteria so highly uncertain.
My points are as below,
Age -30
Study – 15
PTE – 10
Exp – 0 (as I have just 4 years of work experience as a software engineer)
Done with ACS and got the result from ACS that I can count my experience from August 2016. Anyways I can’t claim for my experience.
I have launched 3 EOIs during August 2017
489 – Family sponsorship category – 65 points
190 – Victoria – 60 points
190 – NSW – 60 points
Recently I have got job offer letter from Victorian Employer.
As per the recent changes to Victorian state sponsorship minimum points requirements my current EOI for Victoria still be valid or do I need to launch new EOI once I receive 65 points only?
As currently I have job offer letter from Victorian employer am I eligible to inform Victoria through the liveinvictoria website ? Is my job offer still be valid with my 60 points EOI or do I need to wait until I receive 5 more points to meet the current Victorian criteria.
Please help me.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Karthik,
Your NSE and VIC EOI’s are invalid as they do not meet the minimum requirement of 65 points.
SC489 Family sponsor is ok however the prospects of being invited are not good.
You will need to improve your points test score.
Please organise an Initial Consultation for advice relating to your case.
I have submitted 2 EOI through my agent for class 190 (NSW and VIC) with 70 points and Superior English. (PTE 80+ for all). This was done in August. I was told NSW will start inviting at the end of September. This is just to inquire whether my points are good enough for an invitation. Thanks in advance. :_
NSW do not provide any criteria or timeframe, so not sure where you received your information from.
You have not advised your occupation and are you onshore of offshore?
I am a Software Engineer from Sri-Lanka. I got the information from my agent. I have applied for Victoria as well. Do u think I will get a chance? and is there any other possible state for me?
Hi Ashwin,
I have 60 points for victoria sponsorship including state points and I have a job offer letter from the victoria employer. Am I eligible to apply directly in liveinvictoria website without getting pre approval ? I already launched EOI with 60 points on August 2017. Can I use this EOI number to mention in liveinvictoria website ?
As recently they have increased minimum points for 190 visa is my EOI with 60 points still be valid or not. Are there any exceptions if I have job offer letter from the victoria employer ?
Thanks & Regards
You will need to obtain minimum 65 points to be invited.
SC489 may be an option for to consider depending if you are onshore or overseas and your independent points test score.
Please organise an Initial Consultation for advice relating to your case.
Hi Ashwin,
I submitted my EOI in Feb 2018 with 65 points as an Agri Scientist. What are my chances of getting an invitation for visa 189?
For your occupation although there is not much competition, in general no non-pro rata EOI has been invited at 65 points in this financial year yet.
However, in the next 3-4 months the minimum score could come down to 65 points.
Else, if you are able to increase your score to 70 points, an invitation would more sooner and certain.
Dear Ashwin,
I submitted the EOI on 20/09/18, with 70 points as a Doctor. When can I expect an invite.
Hi Neela,
Thank you for your enquiry.
I have already replied to your other email as well – hope it was helpful.
Hi Ashwin,
I have updated my EOI with 75 points for 189 and 80 for SS this month. What are the chances of getting invitation, as I am going lose 5 points for my agein the month of May. My skill is Software Engineer and my husband is my dependent with Application Programmer as the skillet.
Hi Bharathi
75 points are too low for a SC189 invitation in this financial year till June 2020.
You will need to be at least at 85+ points in your SC189 EOI to be invited.
For SC190, each state/territory has their unique selection criteria which is applicable.
Hi Ashwin,
Im planning to apply PR for Electrical engineer with 70 points in hand currently under 189. Approximately how many months would it take for me to get an invite as this point of time.
Given the current trend, a person who has lodged an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a Subclass 189 non pro-rata occupation would need to wait approximately 3-4 months depending on occupation to receive an invitation if they have reached the score of 70 points.
Hey Ashwin
Submitted EOI for 189 with 75 points for Business Analyst and also 190 (NSW) on 13th Sept 2018.
Been working in Sydney since the past 1.5 years and in Aus since 2016.
What’s your prediction around getting invites for both streams based off the skill select round that happened on 11th Oct?
SC189 Invitation may be received on 11 Nov 2018 round or 11 Dec 2018 round depending on the total number of 75 pointers before you.
NSW there is no such timeframe provided.
To whom it may concern,
I have submitted my EOI as a material engineer since 18th.Febreray 2018. Can you guess whether I would receive an invitation before Feb.2019?
What is your points test score and are you onshore or offshore?
This is Vijay, applied for visa 189 with 70 and 190 with 75 points on 16 Oct 2018 for civil engineering. Can you please predict when I can get an invite?
You should be invited on 11 Nov 2018 invitation round.
Hello Sir, I am a registered nurse in the UK, I have received my nursing registration PIN number from AHPRA and also, I have received SKILLS’ ASSESSMENT from ANMAC. Today, I have applied for EOI with 65 points under subclass 189. I turn 40 years old in the second week of April 2019. Can you advise me if it is worth waiting for the invitation as I have 6 months or shall I apply for subclass 190 to claim 5 more points? Please advise
You should absolutely apply for SC190 as well without delay (if you are eligible).
The next round of results will clarify how much backlog there is with 65 pointers for non pro rata occupations and how fast it will be cleared.
Hi Ashwin.
I have lodge an EOI for Computer network and System Engineer with 70point and als0 190 NSW with 75point. We lodge on the 19th. Please what chance do I have receiving invitation. Thanks for helping the helpless
You should be able to receive an Invitation on 11 Nov 2018 round.
All the best.
Hi Ashwin,
My husband can attain 65 points for a 189 VISA.
He is an airconditioning & refrigeration mechanic.
I see that most people receive an invitation based on 70+ points.
Will this hold true for his profession too?
Kind regards
Until now in this financial year this holds true however, 65 pointers in non pro rata occupations could be invited soon.
Please take FREE Online Visa Assessment to have your eligibility assessed.
HI Ashwin,
I have 65 points for SC 189, Electrical Engineer (233311). what guess can u say about when I can anticipate invite..? And will there be an invite ever with this score..?
I believe Electrical Engineer is in Non Pro rata.
That is correct Mahesh.
What is your Date of Effect of lodging EOI?
Hi i have applied for SC 190 Accounting from sydney on 19 august 2018 with 75 points (70+5) but still have no invitation. Could you please advise me if there are any other options to look into. What if i apply for SC 189?
Ps: i will be turning 25 tomorrow so thats an extra 5 points. So for sc190 with 75 points will i be invited? Or is it best for me to go regional and apply from there.
That is correct. Your EOI’s DOE will update to 01.11.2018 with 75 points.
However, there is a backlog of 75 pointers still and it will become clearer by 11 Dec 2018 round as to how this backlog is progressing.
You should definitely explore all options to maximise your prospects of receiving an invitation.
Message: Hi,
I am a Sri Lankan expecting an Invitation under 189 or 190. I have 65 points for 189 and lodged an EOI early August. I have also lodged two more EOI for NSW and VIC for 190 the same day. I am a Software Engineer by profession.
I have superior English with 80+ for all 4 categories in PTE Academic.
I’m just inquiring to get an idea on how my application will progress and be processed.
SC189 at 65 points could still take a few months before it is invited.
WIth your NSW and VIC EOI’s there is no timeframe or criteria provided and you may or may not receive a formal invitation from these two states so cannot depend only on them.
Please remember to “withdraw” all your other EOI’s “if and when” you get invited.
For further assistance, feel free to organise an Initial COnsultation.
Thank you for the response.
Hi Ashwin,
I’m an Onshore Applicant , currently working in Melbourne VIC. EOI Submitted for SC190 with 70 Points (65+5) and SC189 with 65 points for ICT Developer Programmer on 31 Oct 2018
By when can I expect the Invitation from VIC.
English – Superior.
Age – 28
As per my forecast, 2613 occupation group should come down to 70 points on 11 Oct 2018 round, however the results have still not be released yet.
Once they are, it would tell us the amount of backlog of 75 pointers in this occupation (which will be a fair bit), hence you may have to wait a while still.
VIC have a two-step process for EOI selection and there is no timeframe provided.
Hi Ashwin
My girlfriend has submitted an EOI (189 ) in October 2018 with 70 points under software engineering skill set. Her current visa expires in August 2019, just wondering when can she expect and Invitation ?
You advise will be much appreciated.
She can expect to be invited on 11 Nov 2018 round!
For DIY applications, feel free to take up our service: Do It Yourself – Pre-Lodgement Visa Check
All the best!
Thanks Ashwin. Appreciate your prompt response.
If you call Immigration they have blanket response stating it may take up to 8 – 11 months. I am a bit confused.
I have 70 points for 189
position Civil Engineering 233211
Working in regional area of Queensland
As I finished 1 year service on October 31st I could not apply for BSMQ state migration. Now BSMQ has closed for Civil eng.
to Apply for 189 whether this score 70 is sufficient? if so any time frame for that? because my graduate 485 visa expires in August 2019.
If not enough, whether I have a chance for 190 in NSW with 70+5
In case I get NSW state nomination, whether I can get permission to continue to work in the regional area of Queensland?
so that I dont need to look for a job in NSW
Whether 189 and 190 could be applied at same time?
Please advise.Thanks
I have submitted EOI for SC189 with 70 points in Mechanical Engineering on September 4th 2018. How long it will take to get me invitation?
I applied for EOI on 5th Oct 2018 with 75 points for the occupation of GP.
What would be my estimated wait time for an invitation?
You should have been invited on 11 Nov 2018 round!
Hi Sir,
I have lodged EOI for SC190 with 65 points in Nov 2017 and is there any chance of getting invitation this year? Also ill be getting additional 5 points by March 2019 for experience. Could you please advise me on this?
Hi Viswa
Which occupation and which state ave you applied to?
If you need assistance, please take FREE Online Visa Assessment:
Hi Ashwin,
I have 80 points under 489 subclass (South Australia) (70+10)
I’m a Production Manager (Manufacturing); ie in special conditions apply High Points, Kindly advise when I can expect my invitation?
My EOI was submitted on 26/10/2018
Hi Ivar
South Australia’s processing times have been delayed to up to 16 weeks plus given the Christmas break it could be longer.
Invitation will depend on the quality of your state nomination application and meeting the SA’s criteria, number of other high quality applications and SA’s quota for the year.
I have filed MY EOI in Jul 2017 with 65 points for 189 visa type under the jobcode: 2313. Could you please provide me the chances of getting invite in the next 3 months as skill assessment would expire in Apr 2018.
Hi Dhruvin
What is the exact occupation here?
I would like to have a rough idea on my EOI.
I filed EOI with 75 pts for 189 visa under BA skill set. When can I expect an invite roughly ?
Hi Taimoor
Date EOI Lodged?
75 is a good score however, for this occupation it could be a wait of about 3-5 months still.
Since you are a “Do It Yourself” application, I would suggest to maximise your application’s prospects and to ensure that you do not risk visa refusal (not to mention the financial risk), you should consider our “Pre-Visa Lodgement Check” service here:
Hi. Thanks for what u r doing!
Engineering Technologist -75 Points-EOI 4 Oct 18
when can I get invited?
I am worried because if skillselect keeps inviting 2500 per round as they did in Aug-Oct, the numbers invited will be much higher than their planning levels (15600/yr) , which I guess is impossible under current political climate.
so what’s your take on this?
Hi Schak
You should have been invited on 11 Nov round, if not then you should be invited on 11 Dec 2018 round provided DHA Invitation numbers remain constant as we have not seen the last two rounds results yet.
ANZCO code Occupation: 261311 – Analyst Programmer. I have 70 points for 189 and have 75 points for 190 victoria and NSW . I had lodged my application in September. Do I have any realistic chance for being invited for 189 . I understand that 190 is unpredictable
Hi A
For your occupation there are prospects that you could be invited in this financial year Jul 18 – Jun 19, if DHA keep the total number of invitations constant and the backlog continues to be cleared on a monthly basis.
Could still take 3-5 months more still though again depending on the numbers.
If you are overseas, have you considered other States and other strategies to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation sooner? Please organise a One-on-One Consultation should you need our assistance with the next steps in your application.
Hi Ashwin,
I have an EOI submitted as Electronics Engineer with 65 poinst for the 189 visa and 70 for the 190 NSW sponsor visa.
Could you please tell me if I have any chance to receive an invitation?
Hi Gonzalo
There is a backlog of about 1 year of 70 pointers in your occupation.
So I strongly suggest that you consider strategies to improve your score sooner than later.
Please organise a One-on-One Consultation should you need our assistance with the next steps in your application.
I have submitted my EOI in Oct 2018 for 190 Vic with 70 points under System analyst role and 65 points for 189 visa. What is the chances in getting my 190 invitation?
Hi Sathish
There is a still a backlog of 75 pointers still and then a huge backlog of 70 pointers, so your EOI may not be picked up this financial year.
With VIC 190 there is no criteria/timeframe provided and it is unpredictable.
Moreover, there would be many EOI’s with higher scores which could make it difficult for you.
Have you considered other States as an option.
We recently assisted a client successfully obtain State nomination in your occupation, however it had to be planned very carefully and strategically.
Please organise a One-on-One Consultation should you need our assistance with the next steps in your application.
Hi Ashwin, firstly, appreciate the help you are extending to all the prospective migrants. I am sailing in the same boat with 70 points for systems analyst, lodged my EOI in June and have been trying to push my English scores with no luck. I am aware that 70 points have a huge backlog for VC189 and it is also unlikely that one can get a SS at this score. Just curious to know if it is even possible to get an invite based on the strategic plan that you have mentioned in couple of instances in this forum. I would be very much interested if this option will succeed. Thanks
Hi Dlak
Thanks for your feedback.
Certainly there are many aspects that can be carefully assessed in your case to maximise your prospects of receiving an invitation under this occupation.
However, due to severe competition, the State Nomination application(s) or other strategies need to be carefully planned and timed, as each state is unique.
I suggest you organise a One on One Consultation to discuss your case further.
Hi Ashwin,
I have lodged EOI for 65 points(including state sponsorship) on 12th October 2018. I am RN from Australia.
Please advice me on it. Are they inviting RN ?
Hi Balraj
Which state have you lodged the nomination application for?
Hi Ashwin
I just discovered the treasure of informative threads on your blog.
My spouse has submitted an EOI (489) on September 27th 2018 with 75 points under 232421 – Illustrator skill set.
Just wondering when can she expect and Invitation ? From today the occupation is under Special Category…
Will this hamper our EOI application?
Your advise will be much appreciated.
Hi Ravi
Which State have you applied to – South Australia?
Depending on your date of State Nomination lodgement, your application will be considered.
You should be ok if your application was submitted “before” the Special Requirements kicked in.
Hi Ashwin,
I had applied for 489 state sponsorship (SA) on 26/10/2018 as a Production manager (special conditions apply occupation) with 80 points. By when should I expect to get my invite. Also how long does take after the invite to get the Visa ? Thank you
Hi Revti
1. SA has up to 16 weeks processing times, longer for Special Conditions Apply occupations.
2. Million Dollar Question: You will have 60 days to lodge the visa from the Invitation date.
POst lodgement of DHA Visa Application, it can take about 3-6 months to receive DHA decision these days in best case scenarios, longer otherwise.
Hi Ashwin,
I’m an Onshore Applicant , currently working in Melbourne VIC. EOI Submitted for SC189 with 65 Points for Architecture on 16 Sept 2018
By when can I expect the Invitation from VIC.
English – Superior.
Age – 27
Hi Sam
It remains to be seen which date 65 pointers non pro-rata EOI’s have started to be invited (if at all yet).
DHA are yet to release results from 11 Oct rounds onwards.
However, given the DoE, it could take you 3-7 months still as there will be a huge backlog – Still remains to be seen.
Hi Ashwin,
I have lodged my eoi on 14th of February 2018 electronics engineering with 70 points (189),when can I expect invitation?
Hi Raj
There is about 1 year’s worth of backlog in this occupation currently.
However, since your DoE is Feb 2018, you could be invited by 11 Dec 2018 or 11 Jan 2019 rounds.
All the best!
Hello! I just want to inquire if I need to take and aim for higher score in an english test to make my immigration points higher.
I am a registered nurse working part time in SA.
189-65 points
190-70 points SA application
489-75 points
Thanks a lot.
Hi Amy
Your best and fastest bet would be South Australia if they are still supporting your occupation.
What is the exact ANZSCO code and Date of Effect of your EOI’s?
As at 65 points for SC189 you could be waiting while still.
Hi Ashwin
I updated my eoi from 65 to 70 yesterday
I applied eoi on August with 65
Now I have 70 points and I am register nurse of NSW
Can I exapext to get invited on 11th December
Please need your kind suggestion
hello sir! what are the chances to get invitation for chef with 70 points including state spons point for 489
Hi Paramjeet
Pls clarify the State you have applied to and whether you are in or outside Australia?
Hi, I’m a Canadian citizen Chemical Engineer with 65 points.
Superior English – 20 points, Age – 30 points, Qualifications – 15 points, Skilled employment is at 1.5 years pre-graduation, and 1.5 years post graduation so no points for this.
Lodged 189 and 190 NSW on Oct 4, 2018.
What are the prospects?
Hi Misha
We are waiting for DHA to release results for Oct – Dec 2018 rounds to be able to precisely understand the progress and movement.
Based on the DoE for SC189 at 65 points for this occupation could take up to 4-8 months at least still I believe.
However remains to be seen based on the results.
Hi, I have 65 points in Telecom Engineering field. What are the chances that i will get invitation letter and in how much time if i filed in Jan’ 2019.
Also, my wife is a dentist and can i get additional 5 points because of her.
Hi Saad
Same reply as for the previous enquiry.
Yes your Spouse can assist you with 5 Partner Skills Points, as long as she “meets” all the legislative requirements to be able to do that.
Hi Ashwin,
I had applied for ICT support engineer 263212 and it had all got approved.
Later I see my occupation closely matches with software engineer and I applied for that job code and it got rejected.
Now I see all over in posts that support engineer do not have any demand and also I myself noticed it is not required in most of the states. Will I get called?
Pte:20 points
My EOI points: 85 points
Subclass :Only 190 since 189 does not have support engineer.
Please help me understand what I can do here?
Hi Shubha
You will not be invited under SC189 as the occupation is listed on Short-Term List.
The only way forward for you is via State or Regional Nomination and other strategies to maximise your score.
I suggest you organise a One on One Consultation to discuss your case further.
Hi Ashwin,
Really appreciate our help in providing everyone guidance.
I have updated my wife’s EOI from 75 to 85 points today i.e. 6th December 2018
Her EOI is expressed under ANZSCO code ICT Support Engineer 263212. Sadly this code is not available under sc189 and we had to apply under sc190. We have given state preference as ANY.
We need your help to understand as to when can we get an invite from any state.
My wife’s skillset matches more with ICT Software Engineer 261313 but ACS is pushing towards ICT Support Engineer 263212
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Pavan
I just replied to another applicant earlier who is in similar situation as you.
Any will not work and your State Nomination application needs careful planning and execution.
I suggest you organise a One on One Consultation to discuss your case further.
Hello I submitted EOI on 21 October 2018 for Solid plasterer for NSW 190 with 65 points do you know how long I could wait for I get an invitation to apply nomination
Do you know the average NSW 190 time frame to get nomination approved
And the average time it takes to get the NSW 190 approved after that
Hi Craig
Million Dollar question.
Answer is “no one knows” as NSW do not provide a timeline or criteria.
However, on average it can take between 5-16 months to be invited by NSW depending on many factors.
Hi Ashwin-
I have the below points break up for 190 state sponsorship:
EOI logged: 10 Nov 2018
Age 25
Qualifications 15
Overseas Experience 05
PTE 10
State sponsorship 05
Spouse Skills 05
AUS Work Exp 05
Total 70
How soon do you think I can get the invite for EOI for 190 in Victoria for ICT – System Analyst
Thanks for your guidance.
Regards V
Hi V
There is severe competition in ICT occupations for State Nom within VIC.
There is no timeline or criteria provided as such by VIC for this.
You should also consider other options as well.
I suggest you organise a One on One Consultation to discuss your case further.
Hi Ashwin,
My partner and I have filed an EOI for 14111 (Cafe and Restaurant Manager) back in Feb/Mar 2018 with 60 points(Excluding the language score). Our current score is 75 after including the language score (EOI updated Oct, 2018).
1.) With our score, are there any chances of getting an invitation for SC190 PR in NSW/SA/VIC in 2019?
2.) Alternatively, is it at all possible for an onshore applicant (not living in NT) to get an invitation for SC190 PR in NT?
3.) We are also considering 489 in SA as a last resort, is there any other option that we can be looking at?
Thank you
Shwetank Shekhar
Hi Shwetank
Thank you for your additional email enquiry.
We have replied to it separately.
Good Day!
I submitted my EOI last December 19, 2018, for 223111 (HR Advisor) occupation with 65 points for 489 visa. No particular state, but seems only NT right now can do sponsorship.
Any chance of an invitation and how long it would take? Otherwise, any advise you could provide?
Hi Rhey
This is an ROL occupation, and you will need to carefully assess “all eligibility” requirements to be able to make a strong application and stand out from other applicants.
If you need assistance with ensuring your application is successful, please organise a One on One Consultation.
Hi Shubha
No you will not be invited under SC189 as the occupation is listed on Short-Term List.
The only way forward for you is via State or Regional Nomination.
I suggest you organise a One on One Consultation to discuss your case further.
Hello Sir,
I have recently invited by NSW for SC 190 nomination for 75 points. How long NSW generally takes to take a decision on nomination.. Thanks
Hi Ashwin,
I have increased my points from 70 to 75 using spouse skills. EOI Date of Effect is 14th Jan 2019. When can I expect an invite in this case…
Hi Ashwin
My fiance has applied EOI under class 189 Software Engineering with 70 points in late September 2018. When can she expect an Invitation ? Also, she is currently working and will complete her one year work experience in May 2019. Does she have to assess her work experience before she can increase her points to 75 ? Please note whilst applying for EOI she had shown 6 months of experience in relevant field, now she is working with another company and she will gain another 6 months by May 2019.
Please advise
Thanks in advance
Region : South Australia
Visa : 489 Subclass Provisional
Occupation : Illustrator 232412
Points : 75 Points (including State Nomination)
Visa Application Date : 27 Nov 2018
Medicals Submitted : 8 March 2019
CO Assigned : 21 May 2019
PCC : 10 June 2019
Please let me know any chances or possible timelines for Visa Grant ?
Very eager to hear as the wait is just getting longer!
Hi Ravi
If all went well your application should have been finalised by Sep 2019.
Sorry for the delayed reply.
We lodged our 489 for SA under recruitment consultant before they changed the conditions to not eligible for high points, are we still in the running for a nomination? We have 85 points
Hi Victoria
Sorry for the delayed reply.
If you had lodged online in time (and the portal accepted it) then it should have been fine.
Did your nomination application get picked up?
Hi Ashwin,
I lodge 190 WA under registered nurse with 70pts on 13/07/19. When can I expect an invite in this case?
Hi Thi
Sorry for the delayed reply.
If all went well you should have been invited by Oct/Nov 2019.
When did you submit your visa application and has it been finalised yet?
Hi There,
I have got SA state nomination (subclass 489) invitation for University Lecturer and i have till 29OCT19 to file the application. My 189 EoI is still in queue with 75 points. I want to give 189 a shot before filing for 489. I can do so by increasing English Test score to 20. That would increase my 189 score to 85. I wanted to know at 85 (assuming i will get the score by 30SEP19), how much chance i have to get invited in 11OCT cycle? In case i don’t get it on 11OCT, can i file for 489 but still wait for 189? or will i have to withdraw all my applications when i am filing the application for 489? I am not sure for how long University Lecturer will be in the list and hence to ensure i don’t loose what i already have in pursuit of getting something better.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Rajesh
You could wait until 11 Sep and 11 Oct 2019 rounds, and see if you get invited for SC189.
Else I would suggest to continue to lodge your SC489 VA to not miss out on that too.
All the best.
Hi Rajesh
Sorry for the delayed reply.
Did you end up applying SC489 in time before the DHA announcement to cease the visa subclass for new applications?
I am a civil Engineer, recently updated my EOI on 3rd September at 75 points for 189 and 80 for 190 NSW, though i don’t have exexperience. My visa will expire on Jan 4 2019 and EOI will expire on August 2020. When can i expect my invitation? Or it’s better to find other options like moving canberra for 190? Is there any chance before my visa expires?
Hi Dipesh
Sorry for the delayed reply.
Assuming you are still onshore and may have considered another visa option, if you have 85+ (90 preferably) points, then there may be good prospects for you to be invited.
I heard that South Australia is recently rejecting 190 application and offering 489 (may be now 491 ), is it true ?
Hi Gaurav
This is generally the direction given by DHA to all states and territories since last year.
Most number of skilled visas granted in the future will be SC491s.
What are the chances of getting invited as Chef in NSW for 190 with 75 points and Superior English? DOE of EOI was May 7, 2019 and have not gotten anything to this date. Is there any trend with how NSW release their invitations?
Hi Alac
Sorry for the delayed reply.
NSW have a two-stage Nomination process for SC190, firstly they will “select the EOI and send a formal invite to submit the nomination application within 14 days.
Then once the application is submitted they will assess the overall application and provide a decision on the application.
They do not provide any processing timeline or criteria for the SC190 and it can vary depending on many factors i.e. occupation, points etc.
For SC491 NSW Nomination, NSW announced a new nomination application procedure in Dec 2019, however that has not started as of yet.
You may or may not have been invited still.
Hi Ashwin,
My Wife have worked for 6 years in India as Software Engineer and more than 1 year in Australia as Technical analyst.
Our ACS outcome counted only 4 years of indian experience and didnot count the Australian experience and hence we missed 5 points.
Now While applying for EOI , we have a doubt that if we put all the experience , will the points for Australian experience be counted.
Another question is ,while applying EOI , there are two option to select 189 or 190 visa. Will there be any impact in response time if I select both in the same EOI or should I apply for separate EOR for both the visa’s.
Hi Mervin
Sorry for the delayed reply.
ACS would have deducted 2 years experience as standard with overseas qualifications.
With the EOI you can tick both. However, depending on the State or Territory, you may need to submit a fresh SC190 EOI as the process is different depending on the State or Territory.
I received my 489 Nomination for SA and applied for Visa on 5th September. I checked processing times but it says Unavailable due to low volume of applicants. Is this low volume going to delay my visa? Or do the standard processing times still apply? Thanks in advance
Hi Sach
For SC489 generally 4-6 months and you have have received the decision by now.
Hi Sir,
I have submitted 189 subclass with 85 points on 10th Dec 2019 for Business Analyst. When can i expect the invite ? Kindly advise.
Thank You
Hi Ajay
90+ has been the cut off past 4-5 months.
For 85 pointers it could still take a while depending on DHA monthly invitation round numbers.
Hi Ashwin,
Good day! I have submitted EOI with 75 points as agricultural scientist. May I expect to get invitation in 189 within 6 months?
Hi Chinmoy
At 75 points there is not much scope for an invitation.
You will need to consider SC190 or SC491 and there could be good scope given your occupation.
Hi Sir,
I have submitted EOI for both 189 and 190 Visa (Victoria State) on 10th December 2019 with 70 and 75 points (including 5 points for state sponsored) respectively. When can I expect the invitation?
Hi Ranjith
Which occupation?
And is your SC189 score now 85 points?
Hii There,
I how many points I need for Pr .
What is the current cut off points for ANZSO – 321211 motor mechanic for 189 and 190
Hi Maninder
In general for SC189 you will need to have at least 85+ points (90 preferably) to have any prospects of being invited.
It may be better for you to consider SC190 or SC491 depending on your current location and other aspects in your case.
Feel free to contact us should you require further assistance with you case.
Hi Naveen,
I have currently 75 points as CPM with Superior English ( my wife will increase it to 80 as competent English). I want to apply for Visa 190 NSW with a total Score of 85. what are my chances to receive an invitation?
Hi Amr
Which occupation?
NSW have a two-stage Nomination process for SC190, firstly they will “select the EOI and send a formal invite to submit the nomination application within 14 days.
Then once the application is submitted they will assess the overall application and provide a decision on the application.
They do not provide any processing timeline or criteria for the SC190 and it can vary depending on many factors i.e. occupation, points etc.
For SC491 NSW Nomination, NSW announced a new nomination application procedure in Dec 2019, however that has not started as of yet.
Hi Ashwin
I submitted a 190 EOI for marketing specialist in NSW with 90 points and superior English Ielts results. I have lived in sydney for 4 years and submitted my application 2 weeks ago.
Am I likely to receive an invitation and if so, in what time-frame. Has any information been shared on the impact COVID is having on this process such as reduction/increase in invitations, backlogs/delays etc.
Hi Jemma
NSW have been inviting SC190 EOI’s throughout the financial year, however, reaching the end of this FY they may halt and restart in July 2020.
Although you have a good score, however, at 90 points in this occuaption, you will face some stiff competition.
COVID19 may have slowed things a bit, however, the new financial year and the GSM quota applicable will clarify all that soon.
Hi Ashwin,
I have a question about the Date of effect on the EOI. I would loose 5 points before the September round due to age from 95 points to 90. Would that also change my DOE and place me at the back of the que with 90 points?My original DOE is April 2020 for 189 VISA as an Economist. Thanks for your help.
Sadly Nikhil, that will be the case and your D.o.E will update on your next birthday if its a significant one: i.e. turning 33, 40 or 45.